Big Chop - TaylorAnne

The Big Chop ✂️ – 5 Tips from TaylorAnne


Ever wondered what it would be like to restart your hair journey? We caught up with YouTuber TaylorAnne, who did just that! Read on to learn about her big chop story and how she transformed her super long curls to an adorable TWA!




I can not believe it! I am actually closing in on one full year since I actually did the big chop. In retrospect, would I do it again? Absolutely! I’ve had zero regrets since July 2020 when I took the proverbial plunge and decided to start my natural hair journey all over again… or at least start fresh! However, I’m not saying the decision process was easy, I contemplated this bold move for about a year. I saw the toll my lifestyle as a natural hair YouTuber was taking on my strands. The constant washing, natural product reviews, and step by step tutorials for over 500 videos were no friend to my hair. It had to go! With the encouragement from my mom – “length is not everything,” and my boyfriend – “Baby, you can rock anything,” I had all the support I needed; so, OFF WITH MY HEAD…  I mean hair. 


TaylorAnne - Big Chop


I chose a wonderful local natural hair salon, The Curly Hair Salon by Luvena Leslie in New Haven, CT. This part was very important to me. I needed a salon that embraced my vision and my bold change and not one whose stylists could possibly look on in horror as my locks dropped to the floor. I was well prepared with a photo for reference and my own personal tweaks to make the new look my own. My stylist Luvena Leslie, nailed it!   I had no “breaking in” period, no “getting used to” my new look. I loved it from the start!  As much as I had loved my long curly hair over the years – and I was known as the girl with the big hair or the curly hair or the big curly hair –  it never defined me.  I put that sentiment to the test when I made my decision and followed through with the big chop. 


It’s funny how acquaintances, people I rarely spoke to, lamented over my hair more than I did. I chalked those distractors and distractions up to, dare I say “haters”? Nary a complimentary word had come from these people about my “beautiful curls” when I was rockin’ said curls. The occasional mourners made zero impact on how I felt about my new super short hair. I was too busy adjusting to my new routine. My short hair routine was so much easier and I enjoyed how much more time I had in the mornings. I must confess, however, that I struggled with the daily refreshing process; the ease my long hair had allowed me was now gone. I found myself fully submerging my hair in a sink and starting a brand new wash and go daily. As the months have gone on, I’ve become a little more efficient, or perhaps I simply adjusted my mindset to accept that my refreshed hair while short will look different than my refreshed hair looked when it was long, and that’s ok. 

(Quick tip from #TeamEDEN, try out the Almond Marshmallow Therapy Leave In Conditioner as a next-day refresher)


I have 5 pieces of advice to anyone who is contemplating a big chop:

#1 Choose a salon that will embrace your bold decision and not attempt to dissuade you the moment you sit in the chair.

#2 Have a support system who is short on negative opinions, even if it’s just one person. If you like it, they should love it.

#3 Be prepared (though I wouldn’t spend too much time on this) for the lamenters and the people who must share their unsolicited contrary opinions.

#4 Have zero regrets. You made a bold decision, now “own it” and go on with yo’ bad self.

#5 Lastly, simply embrace your natural hair. We are fortunate enough to live in a time where we can unashamedly embrace what we had zero control over… our natural hair.





Want to learn more? Keep up with TaylorAnne’s big chop journey on YouTube! If you’re interested in doing your own big chop or any other major style switch up, consider checking out a couple of our stylist friends to book your appointment:

Fawnne Morris Smith

Whitney Duplantier



Be sure to tag us in your transformation photos as well. We’d love to see the results!

See you next time!

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