Food for Healthy hair

7 Foods For Healthy Hair

Whether preferred long, short or somewhere in between, possessing healthy hair is a goal on nearly everyone’s list! Many of us desire and appreciate a head of thick, shiny, moisturized locks, but what does it take to achieve and maintain healthy hair and how much influence do we actually have on the matter? 


Today, business owner and licensed stylist, Whitney Duplantier is sharing knowledge on just that! Specializing in natural hair care, Whitney takes pride in reintroducing Black women to their natural hair and its beauty through trendy, low maintenance styling and healthy regimens – so she’s got a lot of insightful knowledge to share with us!


Foods for Healthy Hair
via @_whitneythestylist


Consider all of the factors at play when it comes to your hair: hormones, genetics, environment, nutrient intake, age and more. Much of this is beyond your control except, of course, the very foods you eat. 


You may not be able to control the density you were born with or why your hair does one thing and your sister’s does another, but what you CAN do is treat yourself to the nutrients necessary for your hair to thrive with easy-to-find ingredients we see everyday! 


Overall hair health is an inside job and since nutrients are collected directly from the root through blood circulation, quality nutrition is essential to grow and maintain healthy hair through growth stages. 


For every follicle, there is a root which is made up of protein cells. As blood circulates, both oxygen and nutrients are delivered to these protein cells, which are necessary to multiply. As they multiply, hair is produced This is why you get more accomplished by eating your avocado instead of wearing it. 


So you want to eat for overall hair health? Here are a few tasty options to include in your diet:


Food for Healthy Hair
via Pinterest


1. SALMON has been linked to hair growth and is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Our bodies can’t make these healthy fats, so food or supplements containing them are a must! Salmon is also rich in Vitamin D which can help to stimulate follicles that have become dormant.


2. SPINACH is packed with Magnesium, Iron, and Folate. The Vitamin C found in these dark, leafy greens helps to protect and maintain the cell membranes of hair follicles. 


3. CHICKPEAS/LENTILS/BEANS are loaded with protein and Folic Acid and aid in renewing the cells vital for hair growth. 


4. FLAXSEEDS are full of polyunsaturated fatty acids that can help nourish your scalp and prevent dryness.


5. NUTS are an excellent source of Selenium, which promotes a healthy scalp. Walnuts, in particular, contain alpha-linolenic and cashews are high in Zinc. These can help condition the hair and prevent excessive shedding. 


6. SWEET POTATO is known for its beta-carotene. This antioxidant turns into Vitamin A which helps to protect against dull, dry hair. 


7. Lastly, EGGS are nutrient-rich and contain Vitamins A and E, Biotin and protein, all of which are important to grow healthy hair. 


Food for healthy hair
via @peasandcrayons


With all the fads and mixed information at our fingertips, it can be confusing when trying to figure out your healthy hair regimen. Evidence to support ointments, pills and shampoos expediting the process of healthy hair is lacking, but what we do know for a fact is that eating well and drinking water can have a significant effect on hair health. So power up that air fryer and make you a beautiful, nutritious dinner. Your hair will thank you in luster, growth and strength!




Are any of these foods included in your regular diet? We’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below!




To learn more from Whitney about foods that promote healthy hair, check out her Instagram page (@_whitneythestylist). You can also follow the link in her bio to book an appointment with her if you’re in the Houston, Texas area! 


See you next time!

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