Summer Ab Challenge

21-Day Ab-Tastic Challenge: Strengthen Your Core & Confidence!


It’s officially June, which means that summer has [almost] arrived! As we prepare to welcome this new season with open arms, we’re committed to helping you elevate your wellness – hair, mind and body! To kick us off, the lovely Founder and CEO of Pretty Girls Sweat, Aeshia Devore Branch, has put together a 21-day ab challenge to strengthen your core and confidence!




Are you ready to take on a beginner-friendly, yet tough 21-Day Ab Challenge – one that will STRENGTHEN your core, flatten your abdomen, and give you the extra power you need to complete your workouts, run to class, make it on time to a meeting, or catch your two-year-old? If your answer is YES, I’m giving you a virtual high five and a hug RIGHT NOW!

Strong core muscles assist in everything you do. When abs and back muscles are weak, it can cause all kinds of trouble: bad posture, back pain, and even spinal injury. So, with that in mind, put on your favorite song and let the sweating commence!


Increase your energy and confidence by adding each day of this challenge to your smartphone. Set yourself up for success by selecting a specific time of day that you can complete the challenge with zero excuses. Life sometimes gets in the way, but if you plan, you’ll crush your goals.


Now it’s time to be real with yourself. Why are you doing this? Is it to get in shape purely for vanity? Everybody wants fab abs, but is that enough to motivate you when the challenges and distractions of modern life start to pile up? Find a deeper reason so you can stick with your training. Here are some things to consider:

• To gain confidence and a sense of self-worth.
• To improve energy, productivity, and focus at work.
• To set a good example for your kids, family members, or friends.


Now it’s time to take the challenge! Do these reps slowly to activate your muscles and maintain proper form. Take a 30-second to 60-second rest between exercises.


Ab Challenge - Pretty Girls Sweat


All you need to do is use this free calendar above. Also, check out this list of foods and beverages that will aid in digestion and fight the problematic bloating we get when we eat foods that our bodies are sensitive to. Add these 20 flat belly foods to your shopping list:


Ab Challenge - Flat Belly Food List


An added perk, many of these yummy food options are also great for increasing your hair’s health.


The challenge is only 21 days and will help you increase your energy and confidence!


You will seriously feel SO PROUD of yourself on June 24th. Get your friends to join you by sharing your ab workouts on Instagram using the hashtag #prettygirlssweat! Be sure to tag @edenbodyworks so we can see your progress as well.


OK, are you ready to get started!??? LET’S GO!!!!!!




Want more FREE fitness challenges? Text the word “SISTERHOOD” to (404) 737-3254


CAUTION: Before embarking on any diet or weight loss program, you should consult your physician or health care professional, especially if you have recently been ill or have special dietary or medical requirements, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are a minor, or are elderly. 


Reminder: after working up a good sweat, don’t forget to tend to your hair and scalp! Dryness and buildup can contribute to irritation, stunted hair growth and other related issues. Consider adding a solid clarifying shampoo and a daily scalp nourishing treatment to your regimen.




Aeshia is a wellness curator for women who need fun, affordable, and accessible fitness and nutrition choices so they can look and feel their best.

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