EDEN BodyWorks Blog!



Practical styling techniques and hair stories that'll encourage you to try.

Hair Care

Always here to help you answer how to get and keep healthy hair.

Life & Style

Wellbeing is important for us too. Read articles about living well.

Happy Birthday, EDEN!

Here’s a story about a girl named Jasmine…

Who knew there was much more to life than damaged hair. After experiencing chemical damage, she researched ingredients and started mixing oils right in her mother’s kitchen. Those were the beginnings to her FIRST product – JojOba Monoi Hair Oil. Fifteen years later, she’s merged her love for beauty with tech and is still creating products with natural ingredients to help address your moisture, dryness, breakage, fullness concerns and more!

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Get the Verdict: Is Papaya Castor a Go or No?

As you may already know, we recently launched our Papaya Castor Collection, designed to fulfill your hair regimen from scalp to style. Instead of simply sharing the EDEN perspective on these new items, we thought it’d be beneficial to share a review from beauty blogger, Madisen, of NaturallyMadisen.com.


Compare + Contrast: Shift Your Beauty Social Media Lens

Doctor? Dentist? Maybe even chiropractor? How did we miss the memo that adulting feels like an ongoing list of health appointments in an attempt to keep us from falling apart.


5 Styles, 1 Collection

Ever get tired of having to cross product collections just to achieve your go-to hairstyle? Mixing five different scents, leaving it up to chance whether the varying lines will mix well or not can be frustrating!

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Loc Love

Self-love is one of the driving motives behind embracing natural hair, and we are completely here for it! However, often times, when natural hair is discussed, loose curls and kinks are highlighted, but locs tend to be forgotten about. No, we aren’t referring to faux or goddess locs, though they make some pretty fabulous protective styles. We are talking about authentic locs!

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Creating a Moisturized Hair Routine with Tamara Floyd

Do these winter months have you searching for ways to keep your hair moisturized? The lovely Tamara Floyd, of Natural Hair Rules is here to help lay out a few essential steps in just how to do so!


EDEN at Your Fingertips… Literally!

Drumroll please…

Applast! We’re thrilled to introduce to you, the NEW #EDENApp!

Yep, that’s right! You can now access EDEN BodyWorks right at your fingertips! Is the app going to be just like the website or social platforms? NO! Of course you’ll be provided the convenience of being able to order your EDEN faves straight from the app, but, our main goal was to create a way to better connect with you and meet your needs. Thanks to some of the awesome features on the #EDENApp, we’ll be able to do just that!

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Halloween Hair! 3 Effortless Looks with Curlhawkqueen

By Mariah Tanter


Let’s be honest, the first thing naturals think about when participating in anything festive is “What am I going to do with my hair?!” This year we are not pulling out the wigs, our natural hair can be the highlight of our creativity and should be celebrated with low maintenance!


3 Simple Ways to Pamper Yourself This Fall

Fall can be busy. It’s easy to get so caught up in daily tasks and appointments that you begin to neglect your own self care a bit. But, don’t underestimate the power of taking even just a few minutes a day to slow down and do something for yourself.

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Living Beyond the Label

If you were asked to describe yourself, where would you begin? Most likely, you’ll start with your name and profession, then expand from there. Or…
