Papaya Castor for scalp care

4 Steps to Building an Effective Scalp Care Routine

Let’s all have an honest moment: If “Hair Care” was a TV show, “Scalp Care” would barely make the rolling credits for most people. Let’s be real, the stars of the show have always been the CHIC twist outs, FRESH bantu knots, SEXY waist-length braids ~oh yeah, and here comes the scalp just trailing behind in boredom.

Well, we’re here to tell you it’s time to recast A-S-A-P! Remember, you can never achieve those glorious star-studded styles without a HEALTHY scalp where your hair can thrive; which then makes it the most important character.

4-Step Guide to Scalp Care

One of the biggest misconceptions is that a haircare routine solely focuses on the actual follicles, but not the scalp. It’s time to upgrade your routine to include your scalp as well:

Calling ‘CLEANSERS’ To The Stage! ~ When we think of scalp build-up, our mind instantly goes to products; however, there are other impurities such as dead skin cells, sebum, sweat, and pollutants from the environment. Which means even if you’re not heavy-handed with styling creams and conditioners you still need to properly cleanse your scalp on a regular basis. Think about it! You use specific styling products based on your porosity levels or textures or you choose a cleanser for the particular needs of your scalp.  Specific cleansers gently remove dirt while restoring the PH level like our Papaya Castor Scalp Cleanser.

Check out Curlfriend (@iamtemoura) using the Papaya Castor collection to keep her scalp clean and healthy.

Also, using a clarifying shampoo removes dandruff and dead skin cells. Try leaving  the clarifying shampoo on your scalp for at least three minutes for a proper cleanse and to receive the full benefits. Bonus Tip: When it comes to cleansing your scalp, that doesn’t mean ruining your fresh manicure. The pads of your fingers work best instead of scratching with your fingernails which can easily damage your scalp.

fight against dandruff with an effective scalp care routine

Escort ‘ITCHINESS’ out the door! ~ As the seasons slowly shift, the air becomes much drier which can result in moisture being pulled away from your hair and scalp. This change can cause extreme itchiness which triggers scratching. Your scalp becomes even more irritated and  guess what? The ‘dry, itchy, scratching’ cycle continues! Number 1: stop scratching. Number 2: add the RIGHT oils to your regimen! Peppermint is both unbelievably soothing and refreshing to an irritated scalp and tea tree oil has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that help keep the scalp clean of dead skin cells and organisms that can cause itching. And let’s not forget that deep conditioning your hair is a vital part for a healthy scalp. As cooler months creep in, try increasing your conditioning sessions.

Bonus Tip: Check your water this season. Hard water can negatively impact your hair in several ways, and causing dry, itchy scalp is one of them. A water filter can work miracles!

hair as healthy as the scalp | scalp care routine

A Round Of Applause for ‘MOISTURE’ ~  It’s been a few days, now what? In order to keep dry scalp a distant memory, you can’t just forget about it after wash day. Maintain your moisture by feeding your scalp a delish menu of vitamins and nutrients in between your wash days. You don’t hesitate spraying a refresher on your curls when they need a boost, right? Do the same for your scalp! Using a lightweight serum allows you to moisturize your scalp regularly without weighing down your hair or making it greasy. It’s key that the serum provides much-needed vitamins such as A,C,D & E. Hmm, only if we knew of a product with all of that in it — oh we do! Hello to our Papaya Castor Massaging Serum! Remember, massaging your scalp brings oxygen and nutrients, which are essential for growth too.

Bonus Tip: Dry scalp? Are you drinking enough water? Drinking water is your key to hydration and directly affects the moisture level of your scalp! Keep sipping.

Keep It a SIMPLE Production: ~ Keep it simple. Sometimes we overcomplicate our beauty routine to the point it does more harm than health. Our scalp often is the first to notice and will gladly give signs of irritation or root build-up. Take a moment to go through your products to see what actually works well and not just looks pretty on your shelf.  Also, try to avoid placing heavy styling products directly on your scalp. If you’re constantly placing heavy creams right on top of your scalp it can cause blockage and build-up.

Bonus Tip: Just because a product doesn’t work well for you, doesn’t mean it’s not amazing for your CURLfriend. Treat your friend to a Pumpkin Spice Latte and your unwanted hair care products. They’ll love it!

Moral of The Story:  Don’t allow irritation, dandruff, or itchiness to be the reason you start caring for the scalp. If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready. Applies here too.

Learn more and shop our scalp remedies here!

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