Jasmine Lawrence - Sree (1)

30 Lessons I Learned Before 30


Raise your glasses! Our founder, Jasmine Lawrence, welcomes her 30th birthday this month! In celebration of this milestone, she’s sharing 30 lessons she’s learned thus far in life & business. We suggest taking notes, because there are some real gems here!


As my 30th birthday approaches, I’ve spent some time thinking about what I’ve learned over the last three decades. I’m grateful to have had this opportunity to reflect on the beautiful life I’ve enjoyed to share these lessons with you.



  1. Pray everyday  – I’m fond of the A.C.T.S. model of prayer but any daily practice of gratitude and humility is bound to transform your thinking and your attitude
  2. Build your faith in community with others who share your values
  3. Love your neighbor, even when it makes you uncomfortable 
  4. You become like what you worship – What do you hold in high esteem? What do you give your time and money to? These are the things that reveal your true values and shape your character. Choose wisely.



  1. Surround yourself with a diverse group of people. People who think, look and act differently than you do. It will open your eyes to the beauty of the world and help you appreciate how our differences make us stronger together. 
  2. You’re not alone
  3. Make your needs known 
  4. Make time to invest in deep, long term friendships– intentionally stay connect with people who enrich your life and whose life you can be a blessing in. Don’t wait for birthdays or life milestones to reach out. Connect frequently with a small circle of people you want to be in your life for the rest of it.



  1. Therapy is cool
  2. Clarify the priorities in your life and let that dictate how you spend your time
  3. Be intentional about connecting with your family – whether it’s family reunions, group texts, one on one calls, or interactions on social media, let them know you care and learn about their lives. It might surprise you how incredible your kinfolk are. 


30 Lessons - Jasmine Lawrence



  1. Pursue work-life harmony rather than work-life balance. – Excellent time management has been the key to my success in both my personal and professional life. Instead of treating these two areas of my life as being in competition with each other, I’ve focused on finding ways to have them co-exist by setting appropriate boundaries for me. Examples include limiting my work hours, resting deeply, and increasing focus time rather than multitasking
  2. Be on time
  3. Stop making excuses
  4. Take ownership of your career path
  5.  Know your worth and advocate for yourself
  6. Focus on impact – it’s easier to do this when it’s something you can measure. Define success for yourself and don’t lose sight of your goals
  7. Be clear on the WHY when deciding to start your business – I would encourage anyone who wants to start a business to really focus their motivations for doing so. It’s easy to have ideas and to tell people about them but it’s tough to stick with them through execution and obstacles. Your motivations will keep you going when times get rough.
  8. You can change the world by having impact on just one life



  1. Be gentle with yourself – this can apply to when you’re detangling your strands or when you’re being critical of yourself. 
  2. Drink more water 
  3. Forgive yourself
  4. Exercise is not optional 
  5. Schedule time to care for yourself – Hold yourself accountable for prioritizing yourself. When you’re at your best you have what you need to pursue your passions and serve others well. Self-care isn’t selfish. You’re worth it. 
  6. Learn to love yourself



  1. Self-awareness  is key to personal growth
  2. Happiness is a choice 
  3. Find ways to express yourself creatively
  4. Get out of your comfort zone – be intentional about trying new things, taking risks and getting uncomfortable. This will open you up to new opportunities and give you the strength to consistently push past any fear that may hold you back
  5. There is no one path to success


Told you these lessons were good! To learn more + keep up with Jasmine’s journey, follow along on Instagram. Hear her talk about these lessons in the live replay below!



See you next time!


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